BCAG BackgroundBiggar Community Action Group began in March 2020 and was set up to respond to the Coronavirus crisis in our community. Members of Biggar Community Council, WomanKind Clydesdale, Biggar Church, Biggar Medical Practice, local businesses and other organisations came together initially to quickly find a way to provide assistance to isolated and vulnerable people in our community. From this initial meeting, Biggar Community Action Group was formed and our services have developed according to needs as they have arisen.
The core group has 5 members, but we have many more volunteers delivering our services. BCAG NowAs lockdown came to an end and restrictions eased, we quickly became aware that many of the issues we identified amongst isolated and vulnerable people in our community did not just go away. We realised that the pandemic simply highlighted problems which already existed and will continue to exist beyond Covid. Biggar Community Action Group is now a registered charity (a SCIO - Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation). We will continue to offer the services identified as long as there is a demand in our community and as long as we can procure the funds to do so. We are continually looking to identify new needs in the community and will seek to provide relevant services wherever possible. |
Looking After Your Mental Health
Psychotherapist, Linda Hill, friend of BCAG has made a video about looking after your mental health. Go to our Videos page HERE to watch it. |
Helpline Number:
07376 318724 |
Listening Ear Number:
07376 318724 |
In order for us to continue with our community projects we rely on funding. As a charity we have managed to secure grants from a variety of sources, but we also welcome donations from members of our community. If you are a UK tax-payer, we can claim GiftAid on your donation which will increase the amount by 25%. If you would like to make a donation, please click on the DONATE button below.
Our Funders
We are extremely grateful to the many organisations and individuals who have provided funding to enable us to carry out our services and develop our projects. Please go to OUR FUNDERS page to get the full details.